CSLE+COVA Capstone

COVA Reflection and Application

Through the ADL program and coursework, I was able to learn about and experience the CSLE+COVA approach that encompassed many of the components that I had implemented in my GT classroom based on my own research. The difference was that in my classroom, I was just piecing things together based on what I thought was what my students needed rather than on actual research-based approaches. Learning about the CSLE+COVA approach as I was experiencing it myself in the program, was highly impactful for me as a student, as well as an educator. It validated what I was already doing with my students but in a more relevant and meaningful way. 

Innovation Project Update

My innovation plan is blended learning with a station rotation model. This year I planned the detailed implementation and piloted the blended learning model in my Gifted and Talented classroom and shared my ideas and plan with certain people on my campus. The road to implementing my innovation plan has not been without challenges but reminding myself to keep a growth mindset when challenges arise and utilize the tools and resources that I have learned in the ADL courses will help keep me on track.

Applied Digital Learning Journey Synthesis

My Lamar University Applied Digital Learning Program experience has been an amazing journey. I have learned so much while I have been in this program and feel that I have far more knowledge than anticipated when I began this program. I have enjoyed all of the courses that I have taken and have grown very fond of my collaborative group and my instructors.

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