Learner’s Mindset

29294827 – hand writing new mindset new results with black marker on transparent wipe board.

As my learning journey through the ADL Program continues, I am able to implement the knowledge that I have acquired as I explore the concepts of Growth Mindset. I am aware as I progress through the program that it is necessary to first adopt the growth mindset and allow myself to fail forward and learn from my mistakes in order for growth and development to occur. As I work collaboratively with my peers and professors, I have been able to implement their feed forward and view it as an opportunity for growth and development. During this eight week course, I have been able to implement the CSLE+COVA approach from the perspective of a learner. I have been able to have a choice and voice in my learning and the authentic projects that I have developed. Below you will find my Growth Mindset Plan, my Learning Manifesto and my blog post on Professional Learning Networks. For more on what I have gained from the ADL program see the blog post.

Growth Mindset Plan

As I read Mindset The New Psychology of Success by Carol S. Dweck, Ph. D., I learned the importance of adopting a growth mindset to achieve new learning and success in everyday life. I have created a comprehensive Growth Mindset Plan that will allow me to implement a growth mindset in my classroom and share it with others in my organization.

Learning Manifesto

 By articulating the “Why” and connecting it to my core beliefs, I have been able to create a learning manifesto that will help drive student engagement and learning in my classroom and organization.

Professional Learning Networks

As I worked with my group, I was able to see how the learning that develops from collaboration and communication within professional learning networks is key to the learning process. I was able to identify and share my current PLNs and am eager to connect with more in order to enhance my learning.


Dweck, C. S. (2007). Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. Ballantine Books.

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